Jinmu’s Pulse CheckUp system provides a visual representation of meridian health.

The Pulse Sensor captures the pulse waveform and the Pulse CheckUp app analyzes and prepare the results. Within minutes you have information to help guide your clients through choices to improve their health.


Sensor Specifications


The Pulse Sensor T3 uses a light sensing element to measure absorption of light at the radial artery in the pointer finger. Similar technology is used in pulse oximeter devices, but our device is set at a higher calibration to obtain better data on the pulse waveform. It provides both heart rate, and periodic blood vessel volume in the time and pressure domains. Typically, a measurement will be taken at both the right and left finger to look for variation in the body. It is powered by two AA batteries and has a warranty of one year.


APP functionality


The Pulse Sensor links with the Pulse CheckUp app through bluetooth. It is available in English and Chinese for IOS and android. It is compatible with IOS 12 and above and Android 6 and above. The app is also available for iPads and tablets. The app can be used to track 50 users with more available by special arrangement. It requires online data to work. Access to the cloud computing and results are available by subscription. One year of unlimited access is included with the purchase of a sensor. For businesses that purchase 10 or more sensors, the app can be customized to include products that directly benefit the client.

It is so helpful being able to look back at my clients history before their next visit.
— Independent Practice

The 3D Body Image


The 3D body image report is a powerful way to connect with clients. It shows the areas in the body that have too much or too little blood flow. It can highlight places of soreness or potential disease. Our partners have found this to be very helpful in identifying treatments that target the concerns of their clients.


Meridian SCale


The visual system shows whether or not the body is in balanced health. With a little study of the C0- C11 harmonics you can use the meridian scale to engage clients in a detailed dialogue about the condition of their body.


Body Types


Jinmu has identified 13 body type patterns in our analysis of the data. Some of these include: Healthy, Three-High Risk, Suboptimal Health, Sweet Tooth, and others. Over multiple readings, body type information is useful in showing trends. Understanding the body type analysis is also helpful in discussing preventative treatment options.


DIET/ Exercise Recommendations


Many diet and exercise recommendations are available in the reports. These have been developed by Jinmu employees in Taipei through action research and analysis of the data. You can suggest your own treatments and check their effectiveness for individual clients by taking readings before and after.